Below is the complete legislative index of bills I have sponsored or crossfiled which passed the Maryland General Assembly since I joined the General Assembly in 2015.



Public Safety - Law Enforcement Officers - Body-Worn Digital Recording Device and Electronic Control Device

HB0926 (SB0321/CH0126)

Baltimore City and Baltimore County - Police Behavioral Health Units - Pilot Program


Charitable Organizations and Representatives - Fund-Raising Counsel - Definition


Recordation and Transfer Tax - Principal Residence Surrendered in Bankruptcy - Exemption


Motor Vehicle Insurance - Discrimination in Underwriting and Rating - Prohibitions


Juvenile Law – Truancy


Estates and Trusts - Administration of Estates - Waiver of Fees


Occupational Licenses or Certificates – Application Determinations – Use of Criminal History – Reports


Occupational Licenses or Certificates - Application Determinations - Use of Criminal History

HB0191 (SB0607/CH0331)

Homeowner's Insurance - Discrimination in Underwriting and Rating - Status as Surviving Spouse


Criminal Law - Threat of Mass Violence


Civil Actions - Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Trade Practices by Mortgage Servicer - Statute of Limitations

SB0246 /CH0223 (HB0499/CH0222)

Criminal Procedure - Cell Site Simulator

SB0475 /CH0560 (HB0447)

Health Insurance - Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders - Coverage

SB0579 /CH0143 (HB0269/CH0142)

Child Support - Shared Physical Custody

SB0847 /CH0384 (HB0946/CH0383)

Child Support – Guidelines

SB0859 /CH0107 (HB0200/CH0106)

Vehicle Laws - Registration Plate Frames and Borders - Enforcement

SB1043 (HB1260)

Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Funding


Juveniles Charged as Adults - Confidentiality of Records

SB1/Ch42 (HB1/Ch41)

Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Funding 


Legislative Department - Eligibility to Serve as Senators and Delegates - Place of Abode 


Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 – Body-Warn Cameras, Employee Programs, and Use of Force

SB105/ (HB289)

Peace Orders - Workplace Violence

SB187 (HB240)

Criminal Procedure – Forensic Genetic Genealogical DNA Analysis, Searching, Regulation, and Oversight


Courts - Nongovernmental Corporate Parties - Disclosure Statements 

SB455 (HB290)

Employment Discrimination – Time for Filing Complaints 


Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs – Duties of the Special Secretary – Minority Business Enterprises 

  •  HB 926 was vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative). The veto was sustained (0-141).
  •  HB191 was vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative). The veto was sustained (0-138).
  • SB1043 did not make it out of the Senate, but its crossfile, HB1260, passed.  It was vetoed for policy reasons.